Corppass research invitation

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Corppass Agreement
This Corppass Agreement replaces and supersedes the document previously published here which was formerly known as the "Corppass Digital Services Terms of Use."
  1. General
    1. Introduction: The following terms and conditions, including the Annexures the details on the application page and the Corppass Privacy Statement (collectively, the "Corppass Agreement"), set out the agreement between the Government of the Republic of Singapore (the "Singapore Government") and you governing your Use of Corppass (defined below) and the Corppass Materials (defined below). When you read the Corppass Agreement:
      1. "we", "us" or "our" refers to the Singapore Government;
      2. "you", "your", "yours" or "yourself" means the Organisation accepting this Corppass Agreement;
      3. in the case of partnerships (including general partnership, limited partnership, and limited liability partnership) and without prejudice to Clause 1.1.2 above:
        (a) "you" or "your" shall include each individual and/or entity comprised within the Organisation (including the partners of the said partnership) accepting this Corppass Agreement and each such individual and/or entity hereby agrees to this Corppass Agreement and agrees that all of the obligations in this Corppass Agreement in relation to "you" are the joint and several obligations of the partnership and each such individual and/or entity; and
        (b) in the event of any breach or repudiation of your obligations, undertakings and/or warranties in this Corppass Agreement by any individual and/or entity comprised within the Organisation accepting this Corppass Agreement, we shall have the right to treat such breach or repudiation as a breach or repudiation by all such individuals and/or entities, all of whom shall be jointly and severally liable; and
      4. all other definitions in Clause 14.1 and provisions in respect of interpretation set out in Clause 14.2 will apply to this Corppass Agreement.
    2. Acceptance: By:
      1. clicking the checkbox and clicking on the button or icon which states "Submit" or "Approve" (or variants thereof); or
      2. continuing to access or use Corppass or the Corppass Materials through your Corppass Account,
      3. you are agreeing to this Corppass Agreement. Please note that any non-compliance with this Corppass Agreement may result in civil or criminal liability. If you do not agree to this Corppass Agreement, please do not Use Corppass or the Corppass Materials.
    3. Dealings with Third Parties: Any dealings between you and Third Parties are not governed by this Corppass Agreement and may be subject to Additional Terms as described in Clause 7.
    4. Representative of the Singapore Government: Please note that the Singapore Government has appointed GovTech as our representative to provide and operate Corppass and the Corppass Materials. Unless otherwise notified by us and without prejudice to the generality of Clause 13.1.2, GovTech:
      1. has the authority to provide and operate all aspects of Corppass and the Corppass Materials; and
      2. shall serve as the single point of contact (see Clause 13.4.2 below) between us and you, including to obtain any required authorisations from us for all matters relating to the Corppass Agreement, Corppass or the Corppass Materials.
      3. You shall deal with us through GovTech in all matters relating to this Corppass Agreement, Corppass or the Corppass Materials, unless you receive prior written notice to the contrary.
  2. Using Corppass and the Corppass Materials
    1. Use for approved purposes:You shall not Use Corppass and/or the Corppass Materials in any manner or for any purpose other than the approved purposes which we may notify you of, from time to time.
    2. Compliance with Guidelines etc.:You shall comply with any and all guidelines, notices, operating rules, policies and instructions pertaining to the Use of Corppass and the Corppass Materials as may be issued by us from time to time, as well as any amendments to the aforementioned. We reserve the right to revise the guidelines, notices, operating rules, policies and instructions at any time and notify you of the same. You are deemed to be aware of and bound by any changes to the foregoing upon such notification or publication on the Corppass Website. If you do not agree to such changes, you shall cease Using Corppass and the Corppass Materials.
    3. Limitations of information provided through Corppass: Information provided through Corppass or the Corppass Materials does not constitute professional advice and Corppass or the Corppass Materials may not cover all information available on a particular issue. Before Using Corppass or the Corppass Materials, you must perform your own checks or obtain professional advice relevant to your particular circumstances and you must determine and verify for yourself, that the Use of Corppass and the Corppass Materials is suitable, appropriate and meets your requirements for the given circumstances.
    4. Eligibility criteria: For us to provide Corppass and the Corppass Materials to you, you are required to satisfy (and continue to satisfy) the relevant eligibility criteria as may be prescribed by us from time to time, including successfully completing all set-up and on-boarding procedures and requirements in respect of Corppass and the Corppass Materials.
    5. Restrictions
      1. You must not, directly or indirectly:
        (a) copy, sell, distribute, transmit, publicly display, rent, lease, export, sub-license, publish, mirror, frame or hotlink, or otherwise reproduce Corppass or the Corppass Materials in any form or by any means;
        (b) unless otherwise permitted by us, Use Corppass or the Corppass Materials for the benefit of any Third Party (unless authorised by us in this Corppass Agreement), or charge others for the Use of Corppass or the Corppass Materials;
        (c) adapt, modify, decompile, disassemble, reverse-engineer, interfere with or intercept Corppass, the Corppass Materials (including authentication, password issuance and reset services), or any transaction which is part of Corppass or the Corppass Materials;
        (d) prepare or develop derivative works based on Corppass or any of the Corppass Materials;
        (e) remove, circumvent, impair, bypass, disable or otherwise interfere with Corppass or the Corppass Materials;
        (f) misrepresent or make false or misleading claims regarding Corppass or the Corppass Materials;
        (g) use any device, software, exploit, or routine, including any virus, Trojan horse, worm, time bomb, robot, spider, data-mining or data scraping tool or cancel bot intended to damage or interfere with the proper operation of Corppass or the Corppass Materials or to intercept or expropriate any Content or personal data from Corppass or the Corppass Materials; and
        (h) transmit or upload any viruses, worms, defects, Trojan horses, malware or any other materials that may introduce security vulnerabilities to or otherwise affect the proper functioning of Corppass or the Corppass Materials.
      2. You must not Use Corppass or the Corppass Materials in a manner that would, or does:
        (a) damage, disrupt, disable, overburden, or impair the operation of Corppass or the Corppass Materials; or
        (b) contravene any applicable laws and regulations, breach this Corppass Agreement or violate the rights of any person.
      3. Unless otherwise permitted by us, you must not:
        (a) access or solicit any data, Corppass Account details or Login Credentials from a Third Party;
        (b) log into or Use a Third Party's Corppass Account or Login Credentials; and
        (c) interfere with a Third Party's Use of Corppass or the Corppass Materials, including:
        (i) preventing or restricting the Use of a Third Party's Corppass Account or Login Credentials; and
        (ii) preventing or restricting the Use of Corppass or the Corppass Materials.
    6. No breach of applicable laws and regulations: You agree that:
      1. your entry into this Corppass Agreement; and
      2. your and/or each Authorised Representative's Use of Corppass or the Corppass Materials,
      3. will not breach any applicable laws and regulations.
    7. Availability of Corppass and the Corppass Materials: We may, from time to time and without giving any reason or prior notice, update, modify, or suspend the provision of, whether in whole or in part, Corppass and/or the Corppass Materials, and we shall not be liable if any such update, modification or suspension prevents you from Using Corppass and/or the Corppass Materials (or any part thereof). Where there are updates or modifications:
      1. further actions may be required on your part for such updates or modifications to take effect;
      2. Corppass and the Corppass Materials may not operate properly or at all if you do not properly install or implement such updates or modifications;
      3. we do not guarantee that all such updates or modifications will be made available on or compatible with your existing Device(s) or its operating system; and
      4. this Corppass Agreement will apply to all such updates or modifications.
  3. Accessing Corppass with your Corppass Account and Login Credentials
    1. Requirements for accessing Corppass: Unless permitted by us, you must have a Corppass Account to access Corppass. You must obtain and maintain only one Corppass Account.
    2. Responsibility regarding your Corppass Account and Login Credentials: You acknowledge and agree that we and GovTech are not responsible for the confidentiality, safekeeping and security of your Corppass Account details and Login Credentials. You and the Authorised Representative(s) must take all necessary steps to prevent unauthorised disclosure of your Corppass Account details and Login Credentials, including:
      1. taking appropriate steps to keep your Device(s) secure;
      2. when Using Corppass through an Internet browser, clearing your browser cookies and cache before and after Using Corppass, and logging out of your Corppass Account after Using Corppass; and
      3. notifying us immediately if you know or suspect that the confidentiality, safekeeping and security of your Corppass Account or Login Credentials has been compromised or your Corppass Account has been accessed without your permission.
    3. Verification and security measures: We are entitled at our discretion, but are not obliged, to implement additional verification and security measures or other conditions. These may include:
      1. requiring you or any Authorised Representative to take additional steps to prove your or their identity;
      2. require you to take additional steps to confirm or validate any transaction or activity conducted through your Corppass Account or that is referrable to Login Credentials;
      3. decline or delay to act on any action conducted through your Corppass Account or that is referrable to Login Credentials, until we have carried out the relevant verification measures or certain prescribed conditions are met; and/or
      4. decline or delay to act on your request until we have carried out the relevant verification measures.
      5. Please note that whilst we may require you or any Authorised Representative to use Login Credentials as a verification measure to Use Corppass, we will never ask you or any Authorised Representative to disclose to us details of Login Credentials for any purpose.
    4. Additional clarifications and disclaimers
      1. We and GovTech are unable to verify or investigate the authenticity of any transaction or activity conducted through your Corppass Account or which is referrable to Login Credentials.
      2. You agree that you will not hold us and GovTech responsible or liable, in any way whatsoever, for losses, costs, expenses or damages suffered or incurred by you or any Third Party if there is any unauthorised disclosure or Use of your Corppass Account or Login Credentials.
  4. Use and Access
    1. Deemed use and access by sole proprietorships: You agree that:
      1. any Use of Corppass, the Corppass Materials and/or Corppass Account and any information, data, instructions or communications, which are referable to your Login Credentials (whether or not authorised by you) shall be deemed as (a) your Use of Corppass, the Corppass Materials and/or Corppass Account; and/or (b) information, data, instructions or communications transmitted and validly issued by you; and
      2. we and GovTech are hereby authorised to act on any instructions, orders and/or communications transmitted through Corppass and/or the Corppass Materials which are referable to your Login Credentials, and that we and GovTech are under no duty to take any steps to ascertain whether any such instructions, orders and/or communications were given by you.
    2. Deemed use and access by Authorised Representative(s): You agree that:
      1. any Use of Corppass, the Corppass Materials and/or Corppass Account and any information, data, instructions or communications, which are referable to an Authorised Representative's Login Credentials (whether or not authorised by such Authorised Representative) shall be deemed as (a) such Authorised Representative's Use of Corppass, the Corppass Materials and/or Corppass Account; and/or (b) information, data, instructions or communications transmitted and validly issued by such Authorised Representative.
      2. any:
        (a) Use of Corppass, the Corppass Materials and/or Corppass Account by any Authorised Representative; and/or
        (b) information, data, instructions or communications by any Authorised Representative,
        (whether or not authorised by you) which are referable to that Authorised Representative's Login Credentials shall, as the case may be, be deemed to be: (i) Use of Corppass, the Corppass Materials and/or Corppass Account by you; (ii) information, data, instructions or communications transmitted and validly issued by you; and
      3. we and GovTech are hereby authorised to act on any instructions, orders and/or communications transmitted through Corppass and/or the Corppass Materials which are referable to any Authorised Representative's Login Credentials, and that we and GovTech are under no duty to take any steps to ascertain whether any such instructions, orders and/or communications were given by any Authorised Representative or with your authority.
  5. Registered Officer(s), Corppass Admin(s) and Corppass User(s)
    1. Registered Officers: You hereby acknowledge and agree that each individual holding positions listed on such other successor site) as "Registered Officers" ("Registered Officer") has the full authority and power to, and where you have more than one Registered Officer, all such Registered Officers are severally empowered to, for and on behalf of and in your name, at his/her/their absolute discretion, appoint any person as a Corppass Admin and to modify, supplement or vary the list of Corppass Admins at any time.
    2. Corppass Admins
      1. You shall:
        (i) appoint one, but no more than two, individual(s) as your "Corppass Admin" ("Corppass Admin"); and
        (ii) always have at least one individual as your Corppass Admin.
      2. Effect of Clause 5.2.1 on sole proprietorships: Where you are a sole proprietorship:
        (i) the limit of two Corppass Admin(s) under Clause 5.2.1(i) will apply such that you may either:
        (a) if you are a Corppass Admin, appoint another individual as a Corppass Admin; or
        (b) otherwise, appoint up to two other individuals as Corppass Admins.
        (ii) the requirement to always have at least one Corppass Admin under Clause 5.2.1(ii) may be fulfilled by either:
        (a) if you are a Corppass Admin, your continued appointment as a Corppass Admin; or
        (b) otherwise, by another individual's continued appointment as a Corppass Admin.
      3. By appointing an individual as Corppass Admin, you acknowledge that you confer full authority and power on such Corppass Admin to and where you appoint more than one individual as "Corppass Admin", all such Corppass Admins are severally empowered to, for and on behalf of and in your name, at his/her/their absolute discretion:
        (i) appoint any person as a "Corppass Sub-Admin" ("Corppass Sub-Admin") and to modify, supplement or vary the list of Corppass Sub-Admins at any time;
        (ii) unless restricted by us, appoint any person as a Corppass User and to modify, supplement or vary the list of Corppass Users at any time;
        (iii) Use the Corppass Account, Corppass, Corppass Materials and the applications, websites, services and/or materials (or any part thereof) in relation thereto;
        (iv) share data about you through the automated pre-filling of e-forms of public sector recipients and private sector recipients who adopt Myinfo Business as a pre-filling tool;
        (v) without prejudice to the generality of Clause 7.2, use and access Third Party services, websites, webpages, applications, online or electronic platforms through the Use of Corppass or the Corppass Materials;
        (vi) act or to give, deliver and/or make instructions, orders, authorisations, acknowledgements, requests, applications and/or communications or effect any transactions through Corppass;
        (vii) act or to give, deliver and/or make instructions, orders, authorisations, acknowledgements, requests, applications and/or communications or effect any transactions in relation to your dealings with us and/or GovTech; and
        (viii) such other purposes which we may notify you of, from time to time.
    3. Corppass Sub-Admins:By appointing a person as your Corppass Sub-Admin (whether such appointment is by the Corppass Admin or otherwise), you acknowledge that you confer full authority and power on such Corppass Sub-Admin to and where you appoint more than one person as your Corppass Sub-Admin, all such Corppass Sub-Admins are severally empowered to, for and on behalf of and in your name, at his/her/their absolute discretion, do any of the acts listed in Clauses 5.2.3(ii) to 5.2.3(vii). For the avoidance of doubt, unless otherwise permitted by us, a Corppass Sub-Admin may not carry out the act listed in Clause 5.2.3(i).
    4. Corppass Users:By appointing a person as your Corppass User (whether such appointment is by the Corppass Admin or Corppass Sub-Admins), you acknowledge that you confer full authority and power on such Corppass User to and where you appoint more than one person as your Corppass User, all such Corppass Users are severally empowered to, for and on behalf of and in your name, at his/her/their absolute discretion, do any of the acts listed in Clauses 5.2.3(iii) to 5.2.3(vii). For the avoidance of doubt, unless otherwise permitted by us, a Corppass User may not carry out the acts listed in Clause 5.2.3(i) and Clause 5.2.3(ii).
    5. In relation to each Authorised Representative, you shall:
      1. ensure that each Authorised Representative is made aware of and subject to all the terms and conditions in this Corppass Agreement relevant to such Authorised Representative's part in the performance of this Corppass Agreement;
      2. ensure that any and all persons who are no longer authorised to act as an Authorised Representative are promptly removed from the list of Authorised Representative(s) available at the Corppass Website. You shall also take all necessary steps to ensure that such persons can no longer use your Corppass Account, including ensuring that each such person is contractually bound by an undertaking not to use your Corppass Account once such person is no longer authorised by you to do so. Please also note that Clause 5.5.3 will continue to apply to all such persons until the date such persons are removed from the list of Authorised Representative(s) available at Corppass Website; and
      3. not be relieved of any of your liabilities or obligations under this Corppass Agreement and shall be liable for the performance (or lack thereof), acts, defaults, omissions and neglects of each Authorised Representative as if they were your acts, defaults or neglects.
    6. You acknowledge and agree that:
      1. each Authorised Representative is authorised to access and use any and all aspects of your Profile Data; and
      2. we and GovTech are not responsible for the use or misuse of your Profile Data by the Authorised Representative(s) or any Third Party.
  6. Using Corppass and the Corppass Materials via your Device(s)
    1. Requirements for Using Corppass or the Corppass Materials via your Device(s): To Use Corppass or the Corppass Materials via your Device(s), you must:
      (a) have an adequate Internet connection;
      (b) have a compatible Device which meets or exceeds the requirements prescribed by us in the Guidelines; and
      (c) allow access by Corppass or the Corppass Materials to certain functions of your Device(s), as further described in the Corppass Privacy Statement.
  7. Additional Terms
    1. Corppass and the Corppass Materials may be used in combination with other websites, software or services that are not covered by this Corppass Agreement. If you choose to Use Corppass and the Corppass Materials, you may need to accept additional terms from us or other Third Parties (collectively, "Additional Terms") that will bind you.
      For example, in order for you or any Authorised Representative to log on to Corppass (through the use of the Singpass app), the "Singpass Terms of Use" (available at , or such other successor site) would apply.
      It is your responsibility to check, read and accept the most up-to-date versions of these Additional Terms. If you breach or do not accept any Additional Terms, your Use of Corppass and the Corppass Materials may be affected. For the avoidance of doubt, the Additional Terms which you have entered into with a Third Party are solely between you and such Third Party.
    2. Disclaimers
      1. You will not hold us and GovTech liable for any damage or loss of any kind caused as a result (direct or indirect) of the use of any Third Party's service, website, webpage, software, application, online or electronic platform, including any damage or loss suffered as a result of reliance on the contents contained in or available from such Third Party's service, website, webpage, software, application, online or electronic platform.
      2. Nothing in Corppass or the Corppass Materials will be considered an endorsement, representation or warranty of or by us or GovTech with respect to any Third Party or any Third Party's content, products, services, functionalities or otherwise, even where the Third Party service, website, webpage, software, application, online or electronic platform may require the Use of Corppass and/or the Corppass Materials. We and GovTech make no representation or guarantee regarding the availability or content (including its truthfulness, accuracy, completeness, timeliness or reliability) of such Third Party content, product, service, functionality or otherwise and any use or reliance on the same by you is solely at your own risk.
      3. Without prejudice to the generality of this Clause 7.2, you acknowledge that we and GovTech:
        (a) do not maintain or control, or have visibility over any transaction or activity conducted under a Third Party's service, website, webpage, software, application, online or electronic platform;
        (b) are not responsible for, and do not have control over, how any Third Party collects, uses, discloses, secures, protects, retains, stores, transfers or otherwise processes or deals with any data or personal data you share with such Third Party; and
        (c) are not liable for any errors, omissions, delays, defamation, libel, slander, falsehood, obscenity, pornography, profanity, inaccuracy or any other objectionable material contained in the contents, or the consequences of accessing, any Third Party's service, website, webpage, software, application, online or electronic platform.
  8. User Content
    1. Content shared by you: You may share, submit or transmit certain Content in the course of your Use of Corppass or the Corppass Materials ("User Content").
    2. Accuracy of User Content: Without prejudice to Clause 11, you are responsible for ensuring that your User Content is complete, accurate, true, correct, appropriate and necessary for the purpose you are generating, sharing, submitting or transmitting your User Content for, and that you have the right and authority to generate, share, submit or transmit your User Content, and you agree that we have no obligation or liability in such respect.
    3. Restrictions on User Content: While Using Corppass or the Corppass Materials, you shall not upload, post or transmit any Content of any type that:
      1. is contrary to any applicable laws and regulations;
      2. is false, offensive, obscene, indecent, counterfeited, defamatory, inaccurate, misleading or fraudulent; or
      3. infringes or violates the rights of any person.
  9. Intellectual Property
    1. Ownership of Corppass and the Corppass Materials: You acknowledge that we, or our licensors, own all titles, rights and interest, including Intellectual Property Rights, in and to Corppass and the Corppass Materials. You must not do or permit any act which is directly or indirectly likely to limit our titles, rights or interest in and to the same. No part of Corppass or the Corppass Materials may be reproduced or reused without our prior written permission.
    2. Restrictions on use of the "Corppass" brand: You must not:
      1. use or reproduce in any way any trade mark, logo, trade name, similar mark and/or other mark or branding that is associated with "Corppass" without our prior written consent; and/or
      2. remove, obscure, or alter our or any relevant Third Party's copyright notice, trade mark or other proprietary right notice contained within, applied to or made available or accessible in conjunction with or through "Corppass".
  10. Disclaimers against Warranty, Representation and Liability
    1. No warranties: Corppass, the Corppass Materials and any related services, software, data or other materials (or any part thereof) provided by us are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without warranties of any kind. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we and GovTech do not make any representations or warranties of any kind whatsoever in relation to Corppass, the Corppass Materials and any related services, software, data or other materials (or any part thereof) provided by us, and hereby disclaim all express, implied and statutory warranties of any kind to you or any Third Party, whether arising from usage or custom or trade or by operation of law or otherwise, including any representations or warranties:
      1. as to the non-repudiation of any transaction entered into by you or any Authorised Representative with any Third Party involving the Use of or reliance upon Corppass, the Corppass Materials or any related services, software, data or other materials provided by us or any part thereof (because non-repudiation is determined, among other things, by law);
      2. as to the accuracy, completeness, correctness, currency, timeliness, reliability, availability, interoperability, security, non-infringement, title, merchantability, quality or fitness for any particular purpose of Corppass, the Corppass Materials or any related services, software, data or other materials provided by us or any part thereof; and
      3. that Corppass, the Corppass Materials or any related services, software, data or other materials (or any part thereof) provided by us, or any functions or features associated therewith will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that defects will be corrected or that Corppass, the Corppass Materials or any related services, software, data or other materials provided by us or any part thereof and the servers used in connection therewith are and will be free of all viruses or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, programme or macro.
    2. Exclusion of liability: We and GovTech will not be liable to you or any Third Party for any damage or loss of any kind whatsoever and howsoever caused, whether foreseeable or not, whether arising directly or indirectly, including any indirect or consequential damages, loss of income, revenue or profit, lost or damaged data, or damage to your Device(s), software or any other property, in connection with any of the following:
      1. your Use or misuse, or an Authorised Representative's Use or misuse, of Corppass or the Corppass Materials;
      2. malfunctioning or unavailability of Corppass, the Corppass Materials or any equipment system, software, computer, hardware or any other device used in connection with Corppass or the Corppass Materials;
      3. any virus or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, programme or macro in Corppass or the Corppass Materials;
      4. any inaccuracy or incompleteness in, error or omission, delay, failure, interruption or loss of data in the transmission of the Corppass Materials or any Content made available or accessible via Corppass or the Corppass Materials;
      5. any decision made or action taken by you, any Authorised Representative or any Third Party in reliance upon Corppass, the Corppass Materials or any statement, opinion, representation, information or any Content made available or accessible via Corppass or the Corppass Materials; or
      6. your failure to comply with Clause 12.4.
    3. Use at your own discretion: You agree that:
      1. you Use Corppass and the Corppass Materials at your own discretion and risk, and that you will be responsible for any loss or damage suffered by you and to your Device(s), or loss, damage to or corruption of data that results from the Use of Corppass and the Corppass Materials;
      2. you will be responsible for any transaction or activity conducted, or purported to be conducted through your Corppass Account or that is referable to Login Credentials;
      3. there are risks of communicating and transacting electronically in the online environment (e.g. general risks of interference or interception of data), and you must exercise caution and take appropriate steps to protect and safeguard your Corppass Account, Device(s), Login Credentials and any information or data you share Using Corppass or the Corppass Materials; and
      4. we and GovTech are not involved in and are not responsible for any transactions or communications made between you and Third Parties involving the Use of Corppass or the Corppass Materials.
    4. No claims against us: You will not rely on Corppass or the Corppass Materials to claim or assert any form of legitimate expectation against us and/or GovTech, whether or not arising out of or in connection with our roles and functions as a public authority. Without prejudice to the foregoing, no action may be brought by you against us and/or GovTech, under this Corppass Agreement or related to Corppass and/or the Corppass Materials, more than six (6) years after the cause of action accrued.
    5. Indemnity
      1. You agree to fully indemnify and hold harmless us and GovTech from and against any and all claims, actions, liabilities, losses, damages, costs or expenses (including legal costs on an indemnity basis) howsoever arising from, in relation to or in connection with:
        (a) your and/or any Authorised Representative's breach of this Corppass Agreement or any applicable laws and regulations;
        (b) your and/or any Authorised Representative's unlawful, negligent, fraudulent, or reckless conduct, or wilful misconduct;
        (c) your and/or any Authorised Representative's access or use of a Third Party's service, website, webpage, software, application, online or electronic platform; and
        (d) your and/or any Authorised Representative's non-compliance with the Additional Terms where such non-compliance causes us to breach any of the Additional Terms.
      2. You shall, and shall procure and ensure that each Authorised Representative shall:
        (a) fully cooperate with us and/or GovTech during such proceedings; and
        (b) not stipulate, acknowledge or admit any fault or liability of us without our express prior written consent.
  11. Corppass Privacy Statement
    1. Your data and personal data: During your Use of Corppass and the Corppass Materials, we may collect, use, disclose, store or process data (including personal data) relating to you, any Authorised Representative or that may relate to a Third Party and that is provided by you or any Authorised Representative.
    2. Corppass Privacy Statement: We will collect, use, disclose, store or process such data (including personal data) in accordance with the Corppass Privacy Statement as may be amended from time to time.
  12. Term and Termination
    1. Term: Unless sooner terminated in accordance with the terms of this Corppass Agreement, this Corppass Agreement will remain in effect for so long as:
      1. you continue to Use the Corppass and/or the Corppass Materials; or
      2. you have a Corppass Account or Login Credentials.
    2. Suspension, disablement, restriction
      1. We have the absolute discretion to suspend, disable or restrict the Use of Corppass, the Corppass Materials, Corppass Account or Login Credentials at any time, without giving any reason or prior notice to you. Non-exhaustive examples where this may occur include:
        (a) when you request that we suspend your Corppass Account;
        (b) when we are required to meet or comply with any order or request of any court, government body, regulatory authority or law enforcement agency;
        (c) when we do so for the prevention of any misconduct, fraud, unlawful or criminal activity or omission via the Use of your Corppass Account or Login Credentials;
        (d) where we suspect or have reason to believe that inaccurate, misleading or fraudulent information or data may have been provided through your Corppass Account;
        (e) where we suspect or have reason to believe that there has been or may be misconduct or breach of this Corppass Agreement, Guidelines, or applicable laws and regulations; and
        (f) where your Use of Corppass or the Corppass Materials is in breach of this Corppass Agreement, Guidelines, or applicable laws and regulations.
      2. We and GovTech shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage suffered by or caused to you or arising out of or connected with or by reason of such suspension, disablement or restriction of the Use of Corppass, the Corppass Materials, Corppass Account or Login Credentials (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the inability to access, retrieve or use Profile Data or any delay in the transmission of Profile Data during the period of suspension, disablement or restriction (as the case may be)).
      3. We shall have the right in our absolute discretion to determine if and in what manner we may reinstate your Use of Corppass, the Corppass Materials, Corppass Account or Login Credentials. This includes stipulating any additional terms and conditions that you must comply with before we reinstate your Use of Corppass, the Corppass Materials, Corppass Account or Login Credentials.
    3. Termination by us: In our sole and absolute discretion, we may at any time with immediate effect upon giving notice, terminate this Corppass Agreement, without liability to you whatsoever, for any reason whatsoever (including your breach of any of the terms in this Corppass Agreement or because of the occurrence of a Relevant Event in relation to you).
    4. Notice to be given on occurrence of Relevant Event: You shall give prompt written notice to us (through GovTech, unless you receive prior written notice to the contrary) of a Relevant Event occurring in relation to you.
    5. Effect of termination of the Corppass Agreement: Upon termination of this Corppass Agreement (howsoever caused):
      1. all rights and/or licenses granted to you under this Corppass Agreement shall immediately cease and terminate;
      2. you must immediately cease, and we are entitled to immediately discontinue or terminate, your Use of Corppass, the Corppass Materials, Corppass Account and Login Credentials; and
      3. provisions in this Corppass Agreement which, by their nature, are intended to survive termination of this Corppass Agreement, will continue to apply in accordance with their terms.
  13. General
    1. Assignment
      1. You must not assign or sub-contract your rights or obligations under this Corppass Agreement.
      2. We may assign, novate, transfer, or sub-contract the rights and/or obligations in respect of Corppass, the Corppass Materials or this Corppass Agreement to any person, without notifying you, without your consent, and without further reference to you. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, we reserve the right to delegate or sub-contract the provision or operation of Corppass or the Corppass Materials or the performance of any obligations under this Corppass Agreement and reserve the right to use any service providers, subcontractors and/or agents on such terms as we deem appropriate.
    2. Severability: If any provision in this Corppass Agreement is held by a court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, then this Corppass Agreement, including all remaining provisions, will remain in full force and effect as if such invalid or unenforceable provision had never been included.
    3. Waiver: No delay by us in enforcing any provision of this Corppass Agreement will be construed to be a waiver of any of our rights under that provision.
    4. Notice
      1. Notices from us: All notices or other communications given to you if:
        (a) published on the Corppass Website or communicated through any print or electronic media as we may select, will be deemed to be notified to you on the date of publication or communication; or
        (b) sent by post or left at your last known address will be deemed to be received by you on the day following such posting or on the day when it was so left.
      2. Notices from you: You may only give notice to us through our agent, GovTech. Notices to GovTech must be in writing and sent to the following designated address or e-mail address of GovTech, and we shall be deemed to have received such notice(s) only upon receipt of such notice(s) by GovTech, save that a notice shall be deemed not to have been duly given if you receive, within twenty-four (24) hours of sending such notice via e-mail, a notification that such e-mail has not been successfully delivered:
        Government Technology Agency
        Contact Corppass Helpdesk at
        Address: 10 Pasir Panjang Road, #10-01, Mapletree Business City, Singapore 117438
      3. Other modes: Notwithstanding Clauses 13.4.1 and 13.4.2, we may from time to time designate other acceptable modes of giving notices (including e-mail or other forms of electronic communication that you may have provided us with through your Corppass Account or otherwise) and the time or event by which such notice shall be deemed given.
    5. Rights of Third Parties: Save for GovTech, a person who is not a party to this Corppass Agreement will have no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 2001 or otherwise to enforce any of its terms. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Clause 13.5 shall affect the rights of any permitted assignee or transferee of this Corppass Agreement.
    6. Governing law: This Corppass Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Singapore.
    7. Dispute resolution
      1. Subject to Clause 13.7.3, any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Corppass Agreement or the Use of Corppass or the Corppass Materials, including any question regarding the existence, validity or termination of this Corppass Agreement, will be referred to and finally resolved by reference to arbitration, with us having the option of electing to refer the dispute to the Courts of the Republic of Singapore.
      2. Where we are a defendant or respondent, we will be given notice by the complainant (through GovTech, unless you receive prior written notice to the contrary) before the commencement of any legal action against us to enable us to elect to have the dispute submitted to arbitration. We may, at our sole discretion, elect to have any dispute referred to in Clause 13.7.1 above referred to a court by written notice to the participant(s) involved and will make the election within thirty (30) days of receipt of the complainant's written notice. The complainant's written notice shall:
        1. state the specific dispute, difference, or claim to be resolved and the nature of such dispute, difference, or claim; and
        2. include a request that we make an election whether the dispute, difference, or claim as stated will be resolved by reference to arbitration or by court proceedings.
      3. Should we fail to make the election to have the dispute referred to a court within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the written notice, the dispute, difference or claim will be resolved by arbitration. We may elect to refer to arbitration all or any part of the dispute or difference as stated by the complainant in its written notice. This right to elect will not prejudice our right to a limitation defence and the period to exercise the right will not be abridged by reason of any accrual of a limitation defence in our favour during the said period.
      4. Where the dispute is referred to arbitration, it will be administered by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre in Singapore in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre for the time being in force, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this clause. Further:
        1. the seat of the arbitration will be Singapore;
        2. the tribunal will consist of one (1) arbitrator to be agreed upon in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre, except that if no agreement is reached within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt by one party of such a proposal from the other, the arbitrator will be appointed by the President of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre Court of Arbitration;
        3. the language of the arbitration will be English; and
        4. all information, pleadings, documents, evidence and all matters relating to the arbitration will be confidential.
      5. Notwithstanding any provision of this Clause 13.7, each party will be entitled to seek, before or during any arbitral proceeding, interlocutory, provisional or interim relief or remedies from any court including being entitled to seek an interim measure or protection in aid of arbitration or the subject matter of arbitration.
      6. Any reference to arbitration under this Clause 13.7 will be a submission to arbitration within the meaning of the Arbitration Act 2001 for the time being in force. The application of Part II of the International Arbitration Act 1994, and the Model Law referred thereto, to this Corppass Agreement are hereby expressly excluded.
      7. We will be entitled to discontinue or suspend provision of Corppass and/or the Corppass Materials or any related services, software, data or other materials provided to you and any performance to you under this Corppass Agreement, until such dispute is settled or resolved in accordance with this Clause 13.7.
    8. Amendments
      1. We reserve the right to change, modify or supplement this Corppass Agreement at our discretion and at any time, by posting the changed, modified or supplemented Corppass Agreement on or through the Corppass Website or through such other means as we may deem appropriate.
      2. Your continued Use of Corppass or the Corppass Materials following the posting of any change, modification or supplement will constitute your acceptance of such change, modification or supplement. If you do not agree to any changes, modifications or supplements to this Corppass Agreement, please do not Use Corppass and the Corppass Materials. Our right to vary this Corppass Agreement in the manner aforesaid may be exercised without the consent of any person who is not a party to this Corppass Agreement.
  14. Interpretation
    1. In this Corppass Agreement, unless otherwise defined or unless the context otherwise suggests, when the following words and phrases are used, they will have the following meanings:
      "ACRA" means the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority, a body corporate established under the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority Act 2004.
      "Additional Terms" is defined in Clause 7.1.
      "Approved Recipients" means the Public Agencies and Third Parties requesting your information, and that are approved by you or an Authorised Representative to receive your Profile Data upon your authorisation or an Authorised Representative's authorisation.
      "Authorised Representative" refers to:
      your Registered Officer(s); and
      any person which has been appointed as your Corppass Admin, Corppass Sub-Admin or Corppass User, through such procedure(s) as may be prescribed by us, including:
      (i) the appointment of Corppass Admins through the "Letter of Authority", "Letter of Authorisation" or "Board Resolution" submitted to us;
      (ii) the appointment of Corppass Sub-Admins by a Corppass Admin; and
      (iii) the appointment of Corppass Users by a Corppass Admin or Corppass Sub-Admin.
      "Content" means any and all data, information, images, text, messages, notifications, digital content and/or media that may be uploaded, created, produced, generated, stored and/or transmitted through the Use of Corppass or the Corppass Materials.
      "Corppass" means the electronic identification, authentication, or authorisation service of the Singapore Government known as "Corppass" available through the Corppass Website or such websites, mobile applications, channels or platforms as may be designated by us from time to time.
      "Corppass Account" means the single account designated to you for use in relation to Corppass and the Corppass Materials upon your successful on-boarding to Corppass.
      "Corppass Admin" is defined in Clause 5.2.1(i).
      "Corppass Agreement" is defined in Clause 1.1.
      "Corppass Materials" means any and all products, services, features, works of authorship, documents, software, application programming interface (API), content, know-how, inventions, processes, designs and any other subject matter or materials, in whatever form or medium (including digital equivalents of all the aforementioned subject matter) that we have supplied or made available to you in connection with Corppass. "Corppass Materials" includes the following features, products, content, services and platforms:
      (a) Myinfo Business;
      (b) such portion of the Singpass app that is accessed through the "Switch Account" button on the Singpass app;
      (c) any features, products, content, services and platforms available through the Singpass app, and that is branded with the "Corppass" trade mark, logo or trade name, or other mark or branding associated with "Corppass".
      "Corppass Privacy Statement" refers to the privacy statement accessible at or such other website as may be specified by us from time to time.
      "Corppass Sub-Admin" is defined in Clause 5.2.3(i).
      "Corppass User" means a person appointed by a Corppass Admin or Corppass Sub-Admin to use the Corppass Account, Corppass and/or the Corpass Materials.
      "Corppass Website" refers to or such other website as may be specified by us from time to time.
      "Device" means a computer, laptop, mobile phone, smartphone, tablet, phablet, kiosk or other device from which Corppass can be accessed and used.
      "GovTech" means the Government Technology Agency, a body corporate established under the Government Technology Agency Act 2016.
      "Guidelines" means any and all instructions, guidelines, directions, notices, operating rules and/or policies with respect to any operational or technical details or "Frequently Asked Questions" regarding Corppass and/or the Corppass Materials, as may be issued and/or amended by us from time to time which are communicated to you or any Authorised Representative or published on the Corppass Website.
      "Intellectual Property Rights" means all copyright, patents, trade marks, service marks, domain names, trade or business names, social media accounts and handles, layout design rights, registered designs, design rights, database rights, rights protecting confidential information and trade secrets, rights protecting goodwill and reputation, and other intellectual property or other similar or corresponding proprietary rights and all applications for the same, anywhere in the world, whether registered or not.
      "Login Credentials" means any unique login, identification or credential issued, prescribed or otherwise approved by us for you or any Authorised Representative to use in conjunction with or to access Corppass and/or the Corppass Account.
      "Myinfo Business" refers to the data sharing platform currently known as "Myinfo Business", provided by us, which you may use to authorise the automatic filling-out of e-forms, user registration pages or screens of Approved Recipients with, among other things, data about you.
      "Organisation" means any sole proprietorship, company, variable capital company, partnership (including general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership), public accounting firm, representative office, religious organisation, news bureau, charity, institution of a public character, cooperative society, mutual benefit organisation, military unit, educational institution, high commission, embassy, consulate, registered international organisation, healthcare organisation, trade union, town council, Public Agency, society, management corporation (including subsidiary management corporations), body corporate formed or incorporated or existing in Singapore or outside Singapore, other entity, organisation or unincorporated association, wherever constituted or located and whether or not having separate legal personality.
      "personal data" has the same meaning as set out in the Personal Data Protection Act 2012.
      "Profile Data" refers to data (including personal data) linked with your user profile under your Corppass Account, which may contain data provided by you through the Corppass Website and/or such other channels as may be prescribed by us from time to time, as well as other data from data source(s) approved by us.
      "Public Agency" means any of the following entities/parties:
      (a) Singapore Government;
      (b) any ministry or organ of state of the Republic of Singapore;
      (c) any department, commission, authority, agency or other body operated by or accountable to a ministry or organ of state within the Republic of Singapore;
      (d) any organisation which was created, constituted or given rise to by a statute enacted by the Parliament of the Republic of Singapore,
      and "Public Agencies" means all of the aforementioned, but "Public Agency" and "Public Agencies" shall exclude all of the following:
      (i) the Singapore Government, where it is acting in its capacity as the provider or operator of Corppass and the Corppass Materials; and
      (ii) GovTech, where it is acting in its capacity as the agent of the Government of Singapore in relation to the provision and operation of Corppass and the Corppass Materials.
      "Private Key" means the private key used to create a digital signature or to decrypt an electronic record or file that was encrypted with the corresponding public key.
      "Registered Officer" is defined in Clause 5.1.
      "Relevant Event" means any of the following events:
      (a) the striking off or dissolution of the Organisation accepting this Corppass Agreement, including where a court or competent authority made an order for the striking off or dissolution of such Organisation;
      (b) in relation to sole proprietorships: where you have notified ACRA that the business is no longer in operation, or where the sole proprietor has died or ceased to have the relevant mental or legal capacity to continue the business of the sole proprietorship;
      (c) in relation to partnerships: where you have notified ACRA that the business is no longer in operation, or the partnership is dissolved or determined; and
      "Singapore Government" is defined in Clause 1.1.
      "Singpass app" means the mobile application designed to, amongst other things, be used as an authentication form factor, known as "Singpass".
      "Third Party" means a person other than us, you and the Authorised Representative(s).
      "Use", "Uses", "Using" or "Used" means:
      (a) in relation to Corppass Account or Login Credentials: the accessing or using of the Corppass Account or Login Credentials; and
      (b) in relation to Corppass or the Corppass Materials: the downloading, installing, accessing, operating or using Corppass or the Corppass Materials.
      "User Content" is defined in Clause 8.1.
    2. Unless the contrary intention appears, in this Corppass Agreement:
      (a) headings are inserted for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation of this Corppass Agreement;
      (b) words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa;
      (c) the words, "include", "includes", and "including" are to be read as if they are followed by the phrase "without limitation";
      (d) any reference to "Corppass" includes a reference to "part of Corppass" and any reference to "Corppass Materials" includes a reference to "part of Corppass Materials"; and
      (e) any reference to any Act of Parliament includes any amendment, replacement or re-enactment to that Act and includes any subsidiary legislation made under that Act.

Annex 1

Additional Terms for Myinfo Business
  1. Interpretation
    1. Capitalised terms used but not defined in this Annex 1 have the meaning given to them in the main body of the Corppass Agreement.
    2. In this Annex 1:
      1. "Approved Recipients' Channels" means any and all interfaces of Approved Recipients, including websites, webpages, applications, online or electronic platforms or other online or electronic locations, venues or resources.
    3. Except as otherwise expressly set forth in the main body of the Corppass Agreement, in the event of a conflict or inconsistency between the provisions in the main body of the Corppass Agreement and the provisions in Annex 1, the provisions in the main body of the Corppass Agreement will prevail.
  2. Additional Terms for Myinfo Business
    1. Through Myinfo Business, you may efficiently pre-fill e-forms, user registration pages or screens on Approved Recipients' Channel(s) with the Profile Data from your Corppass Account, for you to share with Approved Recipients.
    2. When you use Myinfo Business, you will be authorising Myinfo Business to pre-fill your Profile Data at the e-form, user registration page or screen on the Approved Recipients' Channel(s). When using Myinfo Business:
      1. the Authorised Representative must first log in using Login Credentials as part of the process of activating Myinfo Business;
      2. when Myinfo Business is activated, it will pre-fill the Approved Recipient's e-forms, user registration pages or screens with your Profile Data;
      3. with certain Approved Recipients, Myinfo Business automatically pre-fills the Approved Recipients' e-forms, user registration pages or screens with your Profile Data, after the Authorised Representative has logged into the respective Approved Recipients' Channel(s) using Login Credentials;
      4. the Authorised Representative may need to key in the remaining information (not pre-filled by Myinfo Business) to complete the Approved Recipient's e-forms, user registration pages or screens;
      5. if the Authorised Representative wishes to remove the pre-filled Profile Data, the Authorised Representative must click the button or icon which states "Clear Myinfo Business"(or variants thereof) or delete the pre-filled Profile Data manually; and
      6. the Authorised Representative must ensure that all the information he/she has provided is correct before submitting such information in the e-forms, user registration pages or screens to the Approved Recipient.
    3. Your responsibility when using Myinfo Business
      1. You are responsible for:
        (a) ensuring that your Profile Data is complete, accurate, true and correct at all times; and
        (b) ensuring that all Profile Data submitted in relation to the Approved Recipient's request for your information is complete, accurate, true and correct.
      2. You and each Authorised Representative must take appropriate steps to protect your Profile Data when using Myinfo Business, as Profile Data shared with Approved Recipients may be at risk of interference or interception by third parties. For example:
        1. keeping the relevant Device(s) secure when using Myinfo Business; and
        2. when using Myinfo Business through an Internet browser, clearing browser cookies and the cache before and after using Myinfo Business.
      3. You will be responsible for any and all losses, costs, expenses or damages suffered by you, us, or any third party, arising out of or in connection with data submitted to any Approved Recipient not being complete, accurate, true or correct and we and GovTech will not be liable for any such losses, costs, expenses or damages.
    4. Additional clarifications and disclaimers: We and GovTech shall not be responsible or liable for:
      1. any loss or unavailability of access to or use of any part of Myinfo Business or any related services, software, data or other materials provided by us or any part thereof, howsoever caused;
      2. you or any Authorised Representative’s use, misuse, purported use or misuse or unauthorised use of any part of Myinfo Business or any related services, software, data or other materials provided by us, including any improper, illegal or unauthorised use of your Profile Data; and
      3. the security, authenticity, integrity or confidentiality of any transactions and other communications that involved the pre-filling or submitting of your Profile Data through the use of Myinfo Business.
Version History
Date of Changes Summary of Key Changes

The key changes are summarized below for your convenience only.
Please read through the updated terms carefully.

1 December 2023 Renaming to Corppass Agreement
  • "Corppass Digital Services Terms of Use" was renamed to "Corppass Agreement".
Using Corppass and Corppass Materials
  • Clause 2.1: We clarified that you shall not Use Corppass and/or the Corppass Materials in any manner or for any purpose other than the approved purposes which we may notify you of, from time to time.
  • Clause 2.5: We updated the list of restrictions relating to your Use of Corppass and Corppass Materials.
  • Clause 3.3: We clarified that while we may require you or any Authorised Representative to use Login Credentials as a verification measure to Use Corppass, we will never ask you or any Authorised Representative to disclose to us details of Login Credentials.
Actions referable to Login Credentials
  • Clause 4: We clarified that any use of Corppass, Corppass Materials and/or Corppass Account referable to your or your Authorised Representatives' Login Credentials are ultimately deemed to be use of Corppass, Corppass Materials and/or Corppass Account by you, and any information, data, instructions or communications referable to your or your Authorised Representatives' Login Credentials are ultimately deemed to be information, data, instructions or communications transmitted and validly issued by you.
Roles and scope of authorization of Authorised Representatives
  • Clauses 5.1, 5.2.3, 5.3, 5.4: We clarified the roles and scope of authorisation of Authorised Representatives.
  • Clause 5.1: We updated the definition of Registered Officers.
MyInfo Business Terms
  • Annex 1: We added terms governing the use of Myinfo Business, including who you may share your Profile Data with through Myinfo Business, and your responsibilities when using Myinfo Business.